會誌專區 會誌文章
年份 關鍵字
52(2)119-133畜產業面臨植物肉製品發展之影響-綜論報告/Trends in the Development of Vegetable Meat Products – A Review
52(2)135-148我國泌乳牛生乳懷孕檢測服務重要性與滿意度影響因子調查/Survey on the expectation and satisfaction factors of pregnancy diagnosis in raw milk service
52(2)149-161飼糧中添加不同種類杏鮑菇栽培後介質對北京鴨生長性能之影響/Effects of different kinds of spent Pleurotus eryngii substrates added to the diet on the growth performance of Peking ducks
52(2)97-117茶花與其萃取物添加於中式香腸對貯藏期間肉品特性之影響/Effect of adding tea flower (Camellia sinensis) and tea flower extracts on the quality of Chinese-style sausage during storage
52(1)1-21產蛋雞長期採食低劑量嘔吐毒素對腸道組織與蛋中殘留量之影響/The long-term effects of low-dose deoxynivalenol on intestinal tissues and transmission into eggs for laying hens
52(1)23-36以生命週期評估法評估臺灣盤固草(Digitaria decumbens) 乾草製作之碳足跡排放係數及環境影響熱點/Carbon footprint emission factors and environmental impact assessment of Pangolagrass (Digitaria decumbens) hay production in Taiwan
52(1)37-49建立鵪鶉生長期飼糧中整體必需胺基酸對總胺基酸之比例/Establishing the dietary ideal ratio of total essential amino acids to integral amino acids for growing quail
52(1)51-65不同萃取方式對茶花與其萃取物之抗氧化活性分析/Antioxidant activity for tea flower (Camellia sinensis) and various extraction methods of tea flower extracts
52(1)67-76不同割期及留樁高度對狼尾草台畜三號營養份消化率與農藝性狀之影響/Effects of cutting intervals and stay heights on the chemical contents, digestibility and agronomic traits of Napier grass (Pennisetum purpureum ) NP cv. TS3 in Taiwan

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